Helps families of children with support needs.

All parents can go to Sjónarhóll.
Sjónarhóll is a counselling centre for families of children with support needs.
- The service is free of charge.
- There is no need for referrals.
- No formal diagnosis is needed.
- The team evaluate each case individually. Then it finds solutions and advice that work for the child and their family.
- Everyone is welcome.
What can Sjónarhóll do for you?
- It helps you get an overview of the situation.
- Provides guidance on what options are available.
- Helps families in communicating with professionals.
- The emphasis is on protecting the interests of the child.
- You can get help with an interview, telephone counselling, video chat, and more.
- Sjónarhóll also has a website that has a lot of information and educational material.
What is the best way to get in touch?
- You start by going to the Sjónarhóll website and to the subpage "Hafðu samband."
- The team reviews new cases on Mondays and then contact you.
- It is also possible to call 535 1900 on weekdays from 9:00 to 11:00.
Háaleitisbraut 13. See on mapWebsite