Icelandic Maritime Traffic Service

Services and ensures the safety of ships that sail in the Icelandic exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Safety at sea

The Maritime Traffic Service ensures safe sailing in the Icelandic exclusive economic zone; the safety of ships, passengers, and crews; and strengthens the prevention of pollution from ships. Ships that sail within Iceland’s EEZ receive telecommunications services and emergency and safety services, in addition to general maritime services.

Telcommunications service

Telecommunications service for ships in waters by and around Iceland is remotely operated from the Icelandic Maritime Traffic Service centre.

Emergency and safety services for seafarers

The Icelandic Maritime Traffic Service is responsible for the following aspects concerning emergencies and the safety of seafarers in the ocean around Iceland.

  • Monitoring and management of emergency ship communications, including international emergency channels
  • National emergency and work channels, STK, Inmarsat and Cospas-Sarsat.
  • Navtex service (vital, important, and routine notifications).
  • Requests for medical assistance (MEDICO).
  • Broadcasting of navigational warnings, for example about malfunctions in the lighthouse system, wrecks, obstacles, and sea ice.
  • The monitoring of ships in the reporting system (manual and automatic).
  • Contact with foreign rescue centres.

If a notification is not received from a ship at the regular time, or if the Maritime Traffic Service receives information indicating that there is a need for a follow-up investigation, search, or rescue ship within the Icelandic EEZ, the necessary measures are taken in consultation with everyone who can provide assistance.

Other services for seafarers

  • Reception and dissemination of information about ships subject to port state control.
  • Reception and dissemination of notifications and information for various institutions according to relevant agreements.
  • Dissemination of information about fishing, emergency closures, laws, regulations, Navtex, and answering questions.
  • Service to the police and other authorities.

Ocean traffic

A summary of the journeys of Icelandic ships around Iceland. Live data from Trackwell VMS.

Coastal stations

Phone calls, messages, reporting, and assistance 24 hours a day.

Seascope subscription

Surveillance of Icelandic ships

ships at sea with flocks of birds swarming above and around


Navtex in an international communication standard that transmits information at sea in the form of printed messages.


The call signs and usage of metre-wave radar (VHF)

Port stations in Iceland

Call signs of all port stations in Iceland