Every year on February 11th, 112 celebrates 112 Day, to remind all residents of Iceland about the emergency number.

112 champions its brand on February 11th every year, because the date (11.2) reminds us of the emergency number in Iceland, 112. It is important to remind people of this number, because it is the only number that residents of Iceland need to know in an emergency.

The theme of 112 Day this year was “What can I do?” and its aim was to raise people’s awareness of how they can respond in an emergency situation; for example when they come across an accident, someone around them falls ill suddenly, a fire breaks out, etc. The celebration was held in the Flói hall on Harpa’s first floor and the area was open to guests and passersby from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Icelandic Sign Language Day is also celebrated on February 11th every year and the program in Harpa was interpreted in Icelandic Sign Language.

Skyndihjálparmanneskja ársins 2022

112 day in pictures

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