Selling sexual services is legal in Iceland but it is illegal to buy them.

In Iceland it is illegal to pay for sexual services. Anyone who does so can be fined or imprisoned for up to one year.

It is not illegal to get paid for sexual services.

Although it might be tempting, if people are in money trouble for example, selling sexual services can have serious consequences.

Paying does not give you control

Those who buy prostitution may think they are allowed to do anything they want since they paid. That is not true. Just because you have received a payment from another person doesn't mean you have to do everything they want.

Even if someone has paid, you can always say no.


To have sex legally, all participants must give consent to what takes place there. Consent given conditionally or by persuasion is not given voluntarily.

Payment is conditional consent that changes the balance of power between individuals. If someone pays, they want something done for them. The person who receives the payment often has no other choice.


The activities that take place in prostitution require people to be in very close contact, often in a very vulnerable position.

Under normal circumstances, such contact would only take place between individuals who trust each other well. Without the trust, one party can take advantage of the other's vulnerability. One example is if they request or force something that was not agreed upon.

Temporary Measure

People who have been in prostitution usually see it as a temporary measure because they are in financial trouble.

People feel that they don't have a choice of doing anything else, even though they would prefer to.


Research shows that the consequences of prostitution are severe and long-lasting for those who have been in prostitution. Suicidal thoughts, self-harm, isolation and physical pain are even more common than among those who have experienced other forms of sexual violence.

Do you recognize abuse?

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Stella has been posting content on OnlyFans for a few weeks. She is quite happy with her style and has gotten better at the technical aspect of creating content. She has over 100 subscribers so she has a decent income. Sometimes Stella gets a requests to make certain kind of content. The other day she got a request to take a video of herself licking a banana. She thought it was funny and not a big deal for the money she was offered. She did the video and even added a little by dressing the banana in a condom at the end, like the teacher did in sex education when she was in 9th grade.

Now this guy has sent another request but now wants her to make a video where she uses a banana like a dildo. The description of her page says that she doesn't show genitals in her videos. She doesn't like the idea, but he's offering twice as much money. Money that would be quite useful to have.

Is this abuse?

A guide to the Icelandic justice system for victims of sexual offences

If you are a victim of prostitution, you may be considering filing charges. Here you can find a description of how the justice system manages sexual offence cases.


Emergency care for sexual assault victims

The Emergency care for sexual assault assists anyone who has been raped, experienced attempted rape or any other sexual abuse.


Stígamót helps people of all genders who have been sexually abused.


Bjarkarhlíð is a center for people who have experienced abuse. There you get all the support and counseling you need in one place. All assistance is on your terms.

Sexual exploitation

Sexual exploitation is when a person benefits from selling access to another person's body for sexual purposes.

Emotional abuse

It is emotional abuse when someone threatens you or deliberately tries to scare, humiliate, isolate or ignore you. It's also sometimes called psychological abuse.

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