Manneskja heldur fyrir augun. Hún snýr að okkur og mikið liðað hár sveiflast til hægri í vindinum.

Child abuse

Child abuse has serious consequences, far into adulthood. It is always important to stop the abuse as quickly as possible and help the child.

Manneskja situr í hjólastól. Hún snýr frá okkur og horfir upp í vindinn. Mikið og liðað hár sveiflast í vindinum.

Neglect against children

It is neglect when a child does not receive the care and accommodation that is necessary and can damage its development.

Manneskja styður höndum á gagnaugun. Henni líður greinilega illa. Eldingar eru teiknaðar hjá höfðinu.


Bullying is repeated abuse, physical or mental, in which one or more bully an individual who has difficulty defending themselves. In order to stop the bullying, it is important to recognise the signs.

Manneskja í fjötrum. Hún er með lokuð augu og er leið á svipinn og heldur þétt utan um sig. Rauður þykkur borði er vafinn utan um hana.

Risk behaviour

A child’s risk behaviour is when a child behaves in a way that causes it harm or is likely to harm its health or development. For example drug use, self-harm, violence against others and crime.

Manneskja heldur um gagnaugun og yfir henni vofir regnský. Hún er leið á svipinn.  Önnur manneskja heldur regnhlíf yfir höfði hennar til að skýla henni fyrir regninu.

Advice for parents to prevent youth violence

Parents and other people involved in the lives of children and young people can reduce the likelihood that they will use or experience violence.

Parental education

Raising a child is one of the most important and demanding challenges that parents deal with in life. People are not necessarily born with this talent nor does it come easy, rather it takes time to acquire the needed knowledge.

Talking to young children about abuse

It is good to discuss with children which behaviour is alright and which is not. Here is information to show children at the age of 4 to 9 about bullying and abuse.

Manneskja heldur um gagnaugun og yfir henni vofir regnský. Hún er leið á svipinn.  Önnur manneskja heldur regnhlíf yfir höfði hennar til að skýla henni fyrir regninu.

How to prevent child sexual abuse

To prevent child sexual abuse, we need to know the signs. We need to educate children and listen to them. We also need to report if there is a suspicion of abuse.

Talk to your children about safe online communication

Online communication can be tricky. It is important to teach children ways to prevent digital abuse and teach them ways to deal with it if it happens.

Parents are obliged to protect their children from mental and physical violence and other threats.

Call 112 if you suspect that a child is living in poor conditions.

Mandatory reporting

If you suspect that a child has been abused, that it lives in unacceptable conditions or that it is risking its health and development, then you must, according to law, report this to the child protection services. You can do this by calling 112. This also applies to unborn children. The mandatory reporting applies to both the public and to people who are involved with children in connection with their work.

When a report is made, a professional gets the case underway and the family is provided with support from either child protection or social services. Get rid of your concern and channel it by notifying. The child’s welfare is the guiding principle.

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Children and Teenagers

Children and teenagers can read about communication, violence and available help here.

Get support

It is always best to talk to someone about how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. Here is information about various resources where you can seek advice and assistance, whether it is for you or somebody you know.

Manneskja heldur um gagnaugun og yfir henni vofir regnský. Hún er leið á svipinn.  Önnur manneskja heldur regnhlíf yfir höfði hennar til að skýla henni fyrir regninu.