
The parental role begins immediately at the birth of a child and involves caring for the child, protecting, teaching it and providing guidance. The aim of good parenting is that the child becomes healthy, well adjusted, happy and has skills that benefit it in the future. Parental skills are however neither inherent nor do they come automatically; it takes time to acquire the necessary knowledge, proficiency and skill.

Information for parents of who have newly moved to Iceland.

Course in parenting

The Health Care Center (Heilsugæslan) offers various courses for parents which are specifically developed for parents in Iceland. The courses are based on accredited studies and well-researched methods.

Parent's interest

Parents’ interest makes all the difference with regards to how our children are doing. It does not have to be complicated, just asking them about how they did today and showing interest in their hobbies and interests makes a big difference.

Parents’ interest makes all the difference with regards to how our children are doing. English subtitles auto-generated.

Collaboration between parents, teachers and pupils

One way to participate in parental activities is to volunteer as a class representative. Another way is to attend and actively participate in the events that take place in the school. This way the communication between parents becomes greater and better.

One way to participate in parental activities is to volunteer as a class representative. English subtitles auto-generated.

Fathers in parental activities

Guðmundur participates in parental activities to show interest and to show that he cares. To him, this is also a matter of equality. It is far too common for fathers not to make themselves available for parental activities.

Guðmundur participates in parental activities to show interest and to show that he cares. English subtitles auto generated.

The Parent stroll

Helga participates in the parental stroll even if her teenager is at home. This way she becomes acquainted with the environment teenagers are growing up in, knows better what happens in the neighbourhood and gets to know other parents.

Helga participates in the parental stroll even if her teenager is at home. English subtitles auto-generated.

Available support

View all support
Húsnæði Foreldrahúss í bláu húsunum í Skeifunni

Parents' house

The Parents’ House (Foreldrahús) provides children, teenagers and parents with counselling regarding teenage alcohol- and drug use, risk behaviour and behavioural problems, among other things. Their phone number 581 1799 is open 24 hours.

Myndin sýnir aðstöðu Vopnabúrsins. Þar má sjá bjart herbergi með myndum á veggjum þar sem er mikið af allskonar íþróttadóti, þar á meðal golfkylfur, lyftingalóð og ýmiskonar boltar.


Vopnabúrið is a gym and a leisure center that provides counseling and support to children and teenagers in need.

Bifhjólafólk setur plástur á barn

Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA)

Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. (B.A.C.A.) is an organization with the intent to create a safer environment for abused children.

Education for the youngest children

It is good to discuss with children which behaviour is alright and which is not. Here is material to show children at the age of 4 to 9 years old about bullying and abuse.

Manneskja heldur um gagnaugun og yfir henni vofir regnský. Hún er leið á svipinn.  Önnur manneskja heldur regnhlíf yfir höfði hennar til að skýla henni fyrir regninu.