Preparation that aims to strengthen victims.

When abuse victims testify in court, they often experience the dificulty of reliving the incident. Therefore it is important to be able to practice their statement and walk through the physical discomfort often associated with reliving the incident. Experiencing the process can help a victim to make the decision of whether to press charges or not.

The virtual court room is located in the National Commissioner's Office at Skúlagata 21. The virtual court room is accessible everyone concerned but the fee is 5000 ISK for a single visit. Statum recommends at least three visits, in which you will pay 12.000 ISK. If you are not accompanied by a specialist (for example a psychologist), Statum or the National Commissioner will provide you with one.

The experience

When a victim is summoned to a court room, it is to review a difficult incident. It is therefore important to be able to practise your hearing and understand the physical condition often associated with it. To re-live the experience can also help the victim to make the decision of whether to press charges or not.

The VR-presence person will be sitting in the court room, acting as a legal representative, the defendant, the judge and others involved. The VR-presence person will react to what is happening in the court room - throughout the course of your session. You can choose to sit in the witness chair to practise how this would feel like in reality.

The origins of Statum

Statum designed and developed the virtual court room. It originally stems from a project at the University of Reykjavik computing science department. As the project grew bigger, the psychology department started including the results into their research, showing greatly improved self-esteem for victims.

Available support

See all support


Stígamót helps people of all genders who have been sexually abused.

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

At the Icelandic Human Rights Centre, immigrants can get free legal counsel.


W.O.M.E.N (Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network in Iceland) is a social organization for women of foreign origin living in Iceland.

A guide to the Icelandic justice system for victims of sexual offences

If you have been subjected to sexual assault or harassment you should consider reporting it to the police. We have collected information about the legal process, from initial reports all the way through the case being brought to court.

Manneskja lítur í gegnum stóran sjónauka. Hún horfir yfir hægri öxlina á okkur.

Should I press charges or not?

Pressing charges for the offence and letting the case go through the justice system is the only way to make the perpetrator take responsibility. But it can be a difficult decision.

Manneskja með áhyggjusvip horfir út í buskann. Tvö stór spurningamerki svífa í kringum hana.