Save the Children
Save the Children (Barnaheill) offers consultation about the welfare of children. On their website, it is possible to report inappropriate online behaviour against children.

Protection and information on children's rights
Save the Children (Barnaheill) is an organization which protects the rights of children. You can contact them for information on anything regarding the welfare of children, including advice regarding responses to violence against children. They offer legal advice, information about custody issues and children's rights.
On their website, it is possible to report illegal and inappropriate online content regarding or directed at children. Children can report content concerning themselves or other children. Reports are anonymous and forwarded to the police.
Examples of things to report are:
- nude pictures or videos
- harassment with photos or words
- any type of violence or abuse
- threats, bullying
- offers of alcohol or drugs
- human trafficking
- prostitution
- hate speech
- other inappropriate behaviour
If you suspect that a child is being abused, it is your duty to notify child protective services. To report, you can either call 112 or write through the webchat. To get advice, call Save the Children telephone: 5535900 Monday to Thursday between 12-16 or send them an email to barnaheill@barnaheill.is.
Borgartún 30, 2nd floor. See on mapWebsite
Íslenska, English, polskie.
Save the Children offer consultation about children's welfare issues.
More Information

Talk to your children about safe online communication
Online communication can be tricky. It is important to teach children ways to prevent digital abuse and teach them ways to deal with it if it happens.

Sexual abuse against children
When someone wants to touch you in a way that you find uncomfortable, for example in private areas like your genitals, butt, or breasts, that is sexual abuse.